Live Style Europe

Live Style Europe #9 - November 2019

Live Style Europe #9 - November 2019

In this Live Style Europe radioshow, we will dive further into the topic of gender equality and diversity in the live music sector. We will first explore the initiatives that are put into place at supra-national levels with an interview with Dagmar Schumacher from UN Women and with Stéphanie Gembarski, from FEDELIMA, who participated in the Voices of Culture programme on "Gender Balance in the Creative and Cultural Sectors. Then, we explore initiaitves that take place at local levels in Europe, through the inspiring actions and projects from the Live DMA members! This episode also presents LiveFIN, the live music association in Finland.

Invités : Stéphanie Gembarski, FEDELIMA (Fédération des Lieux de Musiques Actuelles)