Réouverture des écoles au Danemark

 Réouverture des écoles au Danemark

Les écoles primaires rouvrent aujourd'hui au Danemark. C'est la première étape du déconfinement mais qu'est-ce qui leur permet d'être si en avance par rapport aux autres pays en Europe. Pour Rasmus, citoyen à Copenhagen, il s'agit d'avoir besoin de deux mains pour applaudir.
<< People have applied to all the rules from day one. I think they have even done more than the government expected. I think there is something in our DNA that says social responsibility - we knew that this was going to hurt and we had to look at ourselves and do everything that we can. I think the Prime Minister has a lot of credibility and shows that she really cares. You believe what she is saying. The government took measures very very quickly and acted immediately. I work for a company based in London so I am there quite often. They are three weeks behind Denmark in doing things and those three weeks have been key. >>
Pourtant le gouvernement reste pleinement conscient qu'il ne sert à rien de hâter le retour à la normale.
<< The government is extremely careful of not doing things too quick. If they open up too quick, we might get a second wave. In terms of the low percentage of the population that are infected, that is a good thing immediately. However long term, that also means that all those who don't have it or haven't had it are actually at risk. So, if you open up the country and people come in with the virus, it will spread like wildfire again. >>
Le Danemark, l'Autriche et l'Espagne sont les premiers pays de l'Europe à prendre des mesures de déconfinement cette semaine.