Témoignage : "disappointment and sadness" en Italie

 Témoignage : "disappointment and sadness" en Italie

Avec la crise sanitaire et économique, la crainte du repli des États sur eux-même monte en Europe. Le risque semble d'autant plus élevé dans les pays du Sud : ces pays qui demandent une solidarité, qu'ils ne sont pas sûrs d'obtenir. Paulo Oliviero, juriste passionné d'Histoire et citoyen européen convaincu, s'inquiète beaucoup des conséquences de la déception et du sentiment d'abandon par l'UE dans son pays : l'Italie.

"I think Europe will result in being weaker if meetings fails to achieve a suportive response. European Union should pay attention if Italy fails, because it is not in a position to raise the 400 billions euros that would be necessary for the recovery, it could be a situation which could have a negative effect on the euro by itself.

I think disappointment and sadness are present now in the italian people. If in Italy, Lega and another party which is at the extreme right, together now represent something like 44% of the total population. If they win the next election, at that point, all the common policy that has been built in the past, starting from immigration, moving to Schengen, would be put at risk.

At least for Italy, there would be a strong risk for, i wouldn't call it an exit because i don't know how we could have an exit with Europe, but we could have a situation which could affect the Europe by itlself, through the policy of Italy. This is an unique situation, solidarity should be justified by the consequences of an event that is beyond any control. It is not the consequence of any past conduct of the member states."