La peur d'attraper le Covid-19, traverse l'Europe et le monde. Se rejoute à cette inquiétude l'engorgement des hôpitaux, qui montre de plus en plus de difficulté pour tester l'ensemble des individus. Oliver Little, a contacté Kelly, anglaise qui a contracté le virus.
"I can really appreciate how those with respiratory issues could develop real problems, as it really felt like I had some fluid down in my lungs. It's been quite frustrating not knowing whether I actually have had Coronavirus, firstly for the protection of my own family. I would like to get out and about helping people - I work in wellness and food, so being able to offer to clients and reassure them that there is no risk of infection. The biggest issue with not getting tested now is the vulnerability of the elderly. A lot of my friends have got ageing parents, and would like to go and help them get food, run errands for them, go and visit them and spend time with them so that they don't get lonely, but unless they are sure, they can't take the risk so the elderly are going to find themselves very cut off."
Pour le moment le Royaume-Uni ne présente pas des taux aussi important que dans le reste de l'Europe. Pourtant, le pays anticipe que 60% de sa population pourrait attraper le virus. La quantité de tests mises à la disposition des hôpitaux semble être un sujet essentiel alors que le pic pandémique n'est pas encore atteint.