L'Espagne a franchi cette semaine un premier pas controversé vers le déconfinement, avec la réouverture des bureaux et le retour au travail. Comment la décision a-t-elle été reçue ? Guifré Jordan, journaliste a l'agence de presse catalane de Barcelone, nous explique.
<< Millions of people back to work, back to the roads, back to workplaces. Regional presidents say that the danger is not over and that it is irresponsible and nonsense to let people go to work. The Spanish government has not said that they are prioritising the economy. If you ask me, there cannot be any other reason because otherwise what is the point in relaxing the lockdown now ? We are still having thousands of new cases every day. Although the Spanish government says it has a report of its committee of experts, I have not heard any scientists say that it is right to send people to work again. The Catalan health system is on the brink of collapse. Intensive care units in Catalonia are at over 85% capacity only for Covid-19 patients. >>
Le gouvernement a assuré la distribution de masques dans les metros pour protéger les usagers quotidiens. Pas assez pour Guifré.
<< For instance in Catalonia the number of masks is 1.7 million and the number of commutes every day is 3.7 million. Not even half of the commutes would have masks. >>
Nous avons déjà vu des exemples, comme au Japon d'une deuxième vague dans les pays qui ont assoupli les mesures trop tôt. Nous verrons bientôt si c'est le cas en Espagne.