Isolement, distance sociale, manque de mouvements…. Comment ne pas péter un plomb ? Comment soutenir les personnes déjà sujettes à la dépression et à l’anxiété?
Arne Prüst, thérapeute cognitivo-comportementale néerlandais, nous explique les enjeux du confinement pour les dépressifs et les possibles solutions.
"It will vary from person to person. There are people who will actually thrive because depression comes in different forms. For some, depression might come from the outside pressure, from the feeling of pressure to perform in daily life, from the judgment of other people. For these people, since they are in quarantine, they have less of this kind of pressure, because they do not go to work and they don't feel the pressure to socially interact."
"And on the other hand, the quarantine can push other people further into their depression. And if you are living by yourself, then especially you need to work hard in order to not become more and more isolated. What is helpful with the depression is to have a structure. The structure of getting out of bed, of doing exercise, having social interactions really helps, eating healthy, and limiting news intake is especially the one that reduces anxiety. And if you are in clinical depression, then it’s important to continue with therapy and/or medication as necessary. And all of this is of course harder if people cannot come by and check on someone who struggles with depression or if we cannot go running anymore. And thus there is a risk of increase of symptoms."
D'après Eurostat 7 % de la population des pays membres de l’UE subissent de la dépression chronique. L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé suppose que 25 % de la population européenne manifestent des traits de la dépression et de l’anxiété.