Témoignage : "The attitude of The Netherlands is not justifiable"

 Témoignage : "The attitude of The Netherlands is not justifiable"

Avec la crise sanitaire et économique, la crainte du repli des États sur eux-même monte en Europe. Dans le domaine économique, des tensions sont très vites apparues, en particulier du côté des Pays-Bas, qui refuseraient de soutenir les pays du Sud, considérés comme de mauvais gestionnaires. Un cas de figure qui rappelle les circonstances de la crise grecque à partir de 2008. Paulo Oliviero est italien, juriste passionné d'Histoire et citoyen européen convaincu. Il comprend ce raisonnement, mais pense qu'il résulte d'une mauvaise analyse du contexte de crise actuel.

"This is an unique situation, solidarity would be justified by the consequences of an event that is beyond any control. It is not the consequence of any past conduct of the member states. In a community, if someone is in difficulty, it could be normal that others would offer support.

The crisis of Greece was generated by some mistakes, deficiency of the economic politics. Now the situation is totally different: we do not ask anybody to support past indebtness.

Policy of the Netherland was reasonnable and acceptable in the case of Greece. But in this case, because this case is not only Italy, but also Spain or Portugal, there are countries which have been more affected by the virus than others. In this context, the attitude of Netherland is not justifiable, at least from my point of view."